
in Connecticut


Rhinoplasty is the medical term for what’s commonly known as a “nose job.” It is a surgical procedure that alters the shape, structure, and/or function of the nose. While many people consider undergoing this plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons, rhinoplasty may also be a medical necessity for people who suffer from breathing problems such as a deviated septum.

Rhinoplasties should always be performed by a surgeon who is board-certified in plastic surgery. Dr. Paul Stanislaw is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience performing rhinoplasties as well as many other common plastic surgical procedures. His goal is to enhance his patients’ natural beauty while ensuring proper nasal function.


When researching rhinoplasty, it’s helpful to become familiar with some of the medical terms used to describe the various shapes a nose can have. When you are able to use specific terminology, you will be better able to communicate to facial plastic surgeons your concerns that you have with the shape and appearance of your nose.

The most common concern patients have with the appearance of their nose is called a “dorsal hump.” A dorsal hump is a bump on the bridge of the nose that can be seen on the side or oblique views. A dorsal hump is made up of nasal bones, as well as the cartilage that attaches to the nasal bones.

The second most common concern patients have is “nasal tip projection.” Nasal tip projection is how far the tip of the nose extends out from the cheeks. This appearance is what people generally describe as “how big your nose is.” So if you sense that you have a big nose in relation to your face, it would be medically described as being over-projected.

The third most common concern is “poor tip definition.” Poor tip definition is when a patient has a large nasal tip or a tip shape that is not aesthetically appealing.

And finally, the fourth most common concern patients have with their nose’s appearance is that it is “crooked or twisted.” A nose is crooked when the tip of the nose points either to the left or right of the midline. A nose is twisted when the tip is in the midline, but the middle third of the nose goes to the left or right of the midline.


Today’s rhinoplasty procedure is completely different from the rhinoplasty of the 1980s and 1990s. In the ’80s and ’90s, rhinoplasties all looked the same. The standard procedure scooped out the nose and turned up the tip.

Nowadays, the goal of rhinoplasty today is to give patients a personalized nose shape that is in balance and harmony with the rest of the face, rather than a nose that looks artificial. A successful modern rhinoplasty in Connecticut helps your nose blend into your face so that when someone looks at you, they focus on your eyes and not on your nose.


“My nose is wide.” A nose can be wide at one or all of the following segments of the nose: the upper third of the nose, the middle third of the nose, and the lower third of the nose. If the lower third of the nose, or “nasal base,” is wider than the inner corners of the eyes, then it is described as having a “wide nasal base.”

“The tip of my nose hangs down.” When the tip of the nose hangs down, it is called “nasal tip ptosis.” Nasal tip ptosis (pronounced TOE-sis) can be present all of the time or only occur when smiling. If it occurs only when you smile, it is because your facial muscles are pulling the tip of the nose down.

You may have one concern or many concerns when it comes to the shape and appearance of your nose, all of which can be addressed during this plastic surgery procedure. During your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stanislaw, make sure you voice all of your concerns and that you are as specific as possible with them. If you are having difficulty breathing through your nose, tell Dr. Stanislaw during the consultation so he can properly prepare for the specific procedures you need to address those issues.


A rhinoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure that must be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Stanislaw. Candidates for rhinoplasty include people who are dissatisfied with the shape or function of their noses and are looking for a permanent change to their appearance. Other people may seek rhinoplasty because they have breathing difficulties, such as having a deviated nasal septum.

A good candidate for any surgical procedure must be in good overall health, be a non-smoker, and have pre-operative clearance for the surgery. Dr. Stanislaw also recommends candidates have realistic expectations for nose surgery, which he can explain during your initial consultation.

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Although every nose is unique, and your desired results will be different from someone else’s, all nose surgery candidates can expect a similar process from the first contact to full recovery. Here’s a quick breakdown of how rhinoplasty works at Stanislaw Facial Plastic Surgery Center:

  • Initial Consultation
  • If you are over 50 years old or if you have significant medical issues you will need a preoperative clearance from your primary care doctor.
  • Preoperative Visit (for photos, instructions, prescriptions, consents, and to answer questions).
  • Procedure
  • Post-operative visit at 24 hours to remove nasal dressings
  • Post-operative visit at 7 days for splint and suture removal.
  • Follow up 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after surgery.


Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia at an outpatient surgical center. You will be allowed to leave soon after the procedure is finished, although you will need someone else to take you home.

The length of the surgery depends on the individual nose, the amount of change that needs to be achieved, and if it is a primary rhinoplasty or a revision rhinoplasty. There is very little post-operative discomfort after a rhinoplasty.

For the first 24 hours after surgery, there are small dressings inside each nostril. While the dressings are in your nose, your nose will be stuffed up. There is no discomfort associated with the dressings inside of your nose, save the stuffed-up feeling. These dressings are removed in Dr. Stanislaw’s office the day after the surgery. The removal of the dressings from the inside of your nose literally takes one second. After the dressings are removed you will be able to breathe through your nose again.

On the outside of your nose, there may be a metal splint that maintains the structure and which needs to be kept clean and dry. This splint will be removed on the seventh day after the rhinoplasty. You can shower the day after the procedure but you can’t get the splint wet.

If you have sutures on the outside of your nose, you may be required to apply Aquaphor (a special non-prescription petroleum jelly) to the sutures three times a day. Sutures will be removed at the seven-day appointment.

No bending, lifting, or straining for one week after the procedure. You must sleep with your head slightly elevated for one week. If you don’t want people to know that you had a rhinoplasty, you should plan on laying low (downtime) for about 10 days or until your appearance has returned to normal.


A cosmetic rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the external appearance of the nose to enhance facial harmony. Rhinoplasties can be broken down into two major categories: closed-approach rhinoplasty (more accurately termed endonasal rhinoplasty) and open-approach rhinoplasty.

In addition to these traditional procedures, there is a third category called non-surgical rhinoplasty that utilizes recent improvements in injectable fillers to provide temporary results without the downtime required by surgery. The patient’s nose and the desired changes to be made dictate the type of rhinoplasty to be performed.


An endonasal or closed rhinoplasty is when all of the incisions are made on the inside of the nose. Dr. Stanislaw works through your nostrils to make changes to the structure of the nose by removing or redistributing fat, skin, and/or connective tissue. Because of the limited access working through the nostrils, Dr. Stanislaw is limited in the changes that he can make to the shape of the nose.

An endonasal rhinoplasty is highly effective at reducing a dorsal hump, changing tip projection, or correcting tip ptosis. Benefits of an endonasal or closed rhinoplasty include no visible scars, usually a shorter operative time, and a shorter recovery time compared to an open approach nose surgery.


An open approach rhinoplasty uses a very small incision across the skin that separates the nostrils (columella). The incision allows the tissue to be lifted off the nasal bone and cartilage of the nose so that the structure of the nose can be directly visualized.

An open approach nose reshaping is ideal for making the nasal tip look smaller and symmetrical, making the nose look smaller, straightening the nose, addressing nasal airway or nasal obstruction concerns, and removing a dorsal hump. By allowing Dr. Stanislaw to directly visualize all of the structural supports of the nose, an open approach rhinoplasty can address any and all concerns regarding the shape of your nose.

Surgical time for this cosmetic surgery is usually longer than a closed rhinoplasty because more areas are being addressed. The healing process for open-approach surgery is usually longer than an endonasal procedure, again due to the fact that more work is being done.


During the consultation, Dr. Stanislaw will listen to your concerns about the appearance of your nose and examine the outside and inside of your nose. Dr. Stanislaw will then discuss with you the technical considerations of your rhinoplasty and recommend the type of reconstructive surgery treatments that are available and recommended for you.

To start the conversation about what results you may benefit from undergoing nasal surgery, contact Stanislaw Facial Plastic Surgery Center today.

Rhinoplasty FAQs

Can I sleep on my side after rhinoplasty?

Following rhinoplasty, you should sleep on your back in an elevated position to reduce swelling.


A rhinoplasty is a highly effective way to not only achieve the specific shape of nose you desire but also to make a significant improvement to your overall facial appearance. And when it comes to research, learning, and making a final decision about whether rhinoplasty is right for you, there’s no better place to go than the Connecticut rhinoplasty experts at Stanislaw Facial Plastic Surgery Center.

Call us at (860) 404-6133 or contact us online to schedule your rhinoplasty consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stanislaw today.